Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

Math is not the same alignment as me.

whats ur current alignment?

@MathBlade what was ur original alignment?

We’re sort of vaguely around ish

Currently trying to figure out how to make a vote

I had Beancat as different alignament than me

Town → Neut

From the looks of claims Math’s alignment didn’t change?

/vote mathblade

Am i doing this right

who was your n0 difference check on

Crich iirc but id have to look

everyones alignment has technically changed at death, rather the alignment is ture or not is a different story. We know this cause kiiruma flipped his original alignment and not the new alignment he got.

We know that Math’s slot flipped Rebel and now, if Millium’s translation is correct, then Math should be claiming the same alignment.

Honestly, the kiiruma flip is just confusing considering the flip he apparently kept his alignment despite claiming to be part of the mafia (and if I remember correctly, was killed by the anti-anti-claimer).

i mean its simple if you role claimed and thats not ur current role then its a lie according to milloim ability

yea exactly, the biggest question would be why Kiiruma was hellbent on killing his own faction member and also why was he claiming the exact opposite of his alignment despite being town during his second life which that is something we would probably never know the answer to at this current day. It’s why his dead slot gives me a headache.

im almost possible he was told he was mafia, cause otherwise why not claim it?

You see, that possbility tends to be complicated to handle because it either implies Kiiruma’s flip was changed upon death or we have a weird role where killing people gives them the wrong core role.

If I were not a neutral, I would just say that Kiiruma was probably trying his best to fit himself into what he thinks is the uninformed majority.

Not trolling. That’s a serious vote. Of the posts Zone gave most are summaries.

“I have a lot of votes on me”

This is a factual statement. Am I now good to you? Is this solving? I think your answer remains unchanged but this to me seems very empty.

just an fyi, day 3 ends in a little under 5 hours.

More summaries.

X did something. (Summary)

I decided to vote me.

Why did you decide to vote my slot? Where is the thought process that got you to that conclusion?

I always try to coach people better and always say the smart thing regardless of alignment.

I also if not good go for a strategic play when pushed into a corner. When I voted you I had no idea where your vote was let alone that it was/could been seen as OMGUS

You read as very scummy and uncooperative and rather than cooperate you’re popular. It’s a trick I use as a baddie a lot. If people like you they don’t vote you.

Can someone make a list of all the known alignment claims? Like a list of all players and what alignment they claimed and/or we are assuming they have

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