Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

whysper hasn’t said a word since before day start

its been like 5 hours lol

point being that I didn’t learn this while she was here and ghosting the live thread lol

The host did tell me there were 3 options, I didn’t even bother thinking about it, I asked where is this 3rd option, and he responded with something like, “it’s there if u read”

Besides zone and the gamerduo, do we have anybody else that chose “or”?
Because assuming that because what happened to one should happen to the other, and then saying one is lying is kinda meh.

Yes, I realize that we can basically agree that both attack and defend have at least vaguely similar results for those who chose it, but I feel like it’s kind of a mistake to assume that a, somewhat hidden, third option automatically follows that rule without at least a third data point, tbh

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i like your nickname for us and also theres no way only 2 people out of 450 chose “or”

I never found the 3rd option, I didn’t know it was or till y’all talked about it in this topic

ok well youre not a hydra, the hydras have at least 2 brains so theyre likely to find out “or” exists

…it’s not 450?
It’s 24slots, and although some of those are hydras with up to 4 heads, even that wouldn’t result in 450 people
But 24 slots means 24 times that choice happening regardless of the number of people… I think

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Uhhh I hate to point out the obvious but it seems like they’re NOT having what happens to one, happens to the other. Which is one of the things in itself which shows S&K is lying


Nvm, it’s 40 people so the 450 was a typo, lol

no it was an exaggeration

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Ok I was trying now to be so obvious about the situation.

Due the circumstances of the OR option, I know everyone that chose that option. I am only confirming I choose OR to point out that sonic and knuckles did not choose that option.

Which is why I know for a fact they are lieing.

let me get this straight
on this site, i dont read the chat to catch up, i just focus on real time and if someone’s acting weird, i give them an ISO

how about we all post less, but post more substance
anyways, can someone give me my role PM and alignment, thank you


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i swear i didnt see your comment when i wrote mine

you guys are kinda delusional no offense


ok they can still die

someone pls tell me if kurosa needs to die bc they have a rival despite defending pls

you’re the one just… getting yourself killed for shits n gigs