Osie's 18th Circle of Hell Game Thread - Game Over

Ahhhh interesting :slight_smile: This reminds me of that cool Korean movie Along with the Gods about Buddhist hell.

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I didn’t want to use RNG and I chose you because you are in the middle of the player list
Did I make the right choice?

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Haha, not sure yet what will come of it. But I guess it made you my rival :slight_smile:

Is this an automatic effect of my choice?

It’s from the 2 hidden rules about how the attack, or, defend options were handled

An interesting twist

I had done Attack on my target and you did Defend on me, so you became my Rival and I guess I’m your Ally

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So that means you need to help me to impede you :slight_smile:

Rivals to allies trope?

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Oh, that would be cool if that happened :slight_smile:

Kurosaki, in a surprise twist, is now essentially Naruto with Whysper playing the part of Sasuke.
Replace relevant names per anime where the protag just befriends everybody.

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Got it :)

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What’s your read on Whysper?


Let’s work together

Sure, let’s help each other with our goals :slight_smile:

Nothing at the moment (especially given supposedly nobody knows anything about anything), just the first pairing that came to mind for that trope that wasn’t Shaman King. Cause it’s been over a decade since I saw that show and I can’t remember any characters names for the life of me.

Good news: Daylight Saving ends tomorrow where I live.
Bad news: SoD/EoD will be at night time where I live.


these guys are trying to make reads in a game where no one knows their alignment

At this stage, even if players randed wolf they can easily be towny as they don’t know their role let alone anyone else’s alignments.
