Play at your own risk [?KRC]: Game Over - Town Victory

If your ability does not specify n0, you do not act tonight.

The reviewer was busy and had a very large workload this week, so the review may be effected by that, and the game may not be perfectly balanced.

If you have any complaints, please refer to the thread title.

If you still have balance complaints, please refer to the text above.

Order of Operations

You may read into this at your own risk. Just don’t think we didn’t expect you do to so.

Instant feedback actions: Exist outside the OOO, and will be processed ASAP. Subject to host availability. If you need it to be timed perfectly, please check before using.
Day Actions
Strongman OOO
Item giving
Other actions
Investigative actions
Conditional visits
Reflexive abilities
End Of Night Abilities

Footnotes (colorcoded in the above list)
*We are mainly talking about day actions whose effect is only applied at night (for example, jailor from town of salem. Instant feedback day actions fall under instant feedback actions. Just to be clear: If your ability is marked as DAY, meaning you submit your action in day time, it can ONLY fall on instant feedack on or this category. It will NOT be processed in the regular OOO, regardless of what it does

*The strongman OOO is the exact same as the items below, but for actions with an strongman buff. Meaning, while a strongman kill may bypass a non strongman protection, it will not bypass a protection that was also strongmanned.

*Abilities that don’t obviously fall anywhere else. You may ask if an ability is included here. For an ability to qualify for this classification, it must NOT directly protect, kill, redirect, roleblock, investigate, convert or give an item to the target player.

*This refers to any abilities that depend on other player’s abilities being processed to work. For example, processing a watcher ability requires us to have processed most other actions, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to work properly. In general, any ability that says “if [x] happens to your target” or “if someone visits your target” falls under this category. In case of doubt, feel free to privately ask us if a certain ability falls here.

*Any ability which is automatically activated upon a certain condition being met. Classic examples are Paranoid gun owner and town of salem veteran.

*Similary to the day ability category, here we refer to night action whos effect is only applied after the end of night. One such example would be amnesiac from town of salem, where they only remember their chosen role after the day starts. Abilities that fit here explicitly contain some text that makes the above true. If in doubt, you may ask us, but it probably just doesnt fit here

Also, we need a replacement.

DM Dum on discord or us here if you want to replace in.

Somehow, we have 4 different hosts and none of us could make it for SOD1.

DAY 1 BEGINS AND WILL END ON 2023-06-02T15:00:00Z

Night 1 will be shortened by 3 hours to align SOD and EOD times again

1 - @JakeTheWolfie
2 - @Hazardwaste
3 - @CRichardFortressLies
4 - @Magnus
5 - @guavagudetama
6 - @YoubutWorse
7 - @Garfooled
8 - @crazynuto
9 - @Jaiden
10 - @Zenon
11 - @May
12 - @iamagummybear
13 - @Marluna
14 - @Arogame123
15 - @min
16 - @Gorta

Taking this oppotunity for 1 final reminder:

RULE 1 OF ?KRC, MUST READ: Under no circumstances are you to discuss submitted roles or any part of the submission process in any chat, be it the thread, a factional chat, or a neighborhood. The only place you may discuss the role you (or someone else) submitted is in your role PM with the host. Softing mechanics, names, abilities, etc of the role you submitted is an instant modkill. You are allowed to paraphase the role you receive, but not copy and paste. You can copy and paste the feedback given. This rule is in effect during the entire game (yes, including the pre-game and signups.)


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Wohooo let’s gooooooo

Finally we started. And almost no one is showing up…

that is most likely because sod was 3 hours ago

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It is sad.

woah! it’s alive!

but I really have nothing to work with, so I’ll be back when more people check in

No, it isn’t alive in that sense.

well, earlier it wasn’t started

Delay has killed the fun part of the game for town members, so Gorta is town.

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Our worst scenario, that Gorta is Neutral, but he is unlikely to be informed scum.

My information is that I’m Town and I have no idea what’s up with this Director nonsense. I didn’t vote for her! In the metaphorical sense or any mechanical sense either.

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