Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

my iq is dropping by the second

you guys are making this so much more complicated than it needs to be

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Good thing mine was already 0

Literally just kill Windward then me
it’s not hard
like at all

vote wind

/vote Windward @Host_Account_5

we can overcomplicate this later

@Arctic give me the 3 people I want to go bed

I’m a clown too

Wind do u remember when u spent ages shading me and then got outted as scum

Anonymoose 'members

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im taking a break
feel free to continue spewing whatever you like

wind is the optimal kill today, but we are killing wazza tomorrow

i’ll look over for spew of them both today since i’m dying tonight, if wazza flips town tomorrow then ignore that part lol

I do in fact remember that
Good times

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hey wind
wanna turn this chat into our neighbourhood chat and just ignore everyone else

Do you remember when you townread me and then Arctic got a red on me?

Might as well, I don’t really give a fuck at this point

I make up all my read to look like I’m trying regardless of my alignment so jokes on u

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same, I already gave my legacy and my final thoughts anyway tbh

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and you townread her for it, when her push on you was objectively bad

i made a post explaining why i thought wind was scum and got rid of it because i thought the reasons were flimsy and got distracted by something else, but one of the reasons was that she was pushing you “asking who to vote at eod and then doing nothing” which was a terrible reason to push you
