Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

Im saying execute me.
See what happens



Well, that would be evident in dice yeah

See what happens.

/vote YBW @Host_Account_5

As per their request there is a neighbourizer in the game

/vote Blizer @Host_Account_5
I can put arc with “wacky arc”
But I can’t do anything with bliz that makes me have a defense for them


/vote YBW @Host_Account_5

my vote will be here for now


EOD sucked
everyone did wtf actions

Today I’d like to see either ash, Squirrel, YBW or Vulgard killed tbh

Its a vote, Arctic.

YBW doesn’t look great, but the fact that everyone’s turning on him


Me and Blizer:

my guy you didnt even vote

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Sorry, I fell asleep

I went through the final hour of posts again from EoD and there are some really interesting things there

theres been 4 people everyone except me has

almost like I was sick and asleep because of that

and even if I would’ve voted, I would’ve voted YBW which now I feel that would’ve been a mistake to flip him yesterday

okay but your shit attempt at saving CRichard didn’t go un-noticed

You were all there being like “oh no, not CRichard, oh nooooooo…”

i didnt even realize he needed saving because i assumed mine and ash’s vote was enough?

And Then Sulit last minute voted Crich

Killing them and denying rand