Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

ash by gorta

Gorta claims a red check on the slot

we dont know what type of check, but hes claiming red

wazza you are in extreme agenda mode just like the last fol where you were the last scum

wtf are you on about lmao

/vote ash

iā€™m continuing to vote squirrel until there is elaboration by gorta

weā€™re both literally doing the same thing
Iā€™m voting Vulgard until Gorta elaborates

bad shade friend

no seriously
what the fuck are you on about

iā€™m voting a wolf and you are voting vulgard
we are not the same

youā€™re doin the exact same thing you were doing that last day as the last scum in that one FOL

you are waaaay more laid back as town

Marl, you came into thread, learnt about a redcheck, voted away from that redcheck instantly after, then claim you want to wait until Gorta elaborates

i thought i was voting squirrel earlier

only realized i wasnā€™t yet when i checked the latest vc

you clearly havenā€™t paid attention to this game whatsoever so at least you were honest there

not today i havenā€™t since iā€™ve been asleep most of the phase

also squirrel is still alive so iā€™m in the exact same position as yesterday

he scumread ash
i wouldnt have done the same check, but i dont see how itā€™s unbelievable lol

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well then Iā€™ll let you know that the only reason Iā€™m doing stuff is that Iā€™ve basically just been using stuff me and ybw discussed in the neighbourhood and playing devils advocate the entire day

you potatos killed CRICH of all people
the guy who like everyone was like ā€œyeah heā€™s in town meta but he also is acting WEIRD, when has Crich ever acted WEIRD beforeā€