Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

okay so basically im a moose who lost their identity and i woke up and idk who i am so now i go around fighting crime as an anonymoose superhero and my arch nemesis is Anonymouse who is a mouse who also lost their identity and we are in an endless war to defeat each other because whoever wins gets to rule over the animal kingdom indefinitely and has a chance to learn their true self and i thought id join this game so i can learn to detect lies better to help my crime fighting

I’m trying to sell my story to HBO atm but apparently it’s too “dark and gritty” for them.


The order is arbitrary

yes you did

Why did you invite me :pleading_face:

I appreciate it :pensive:

Is the person you invited in the game?

No I didn’t
I invited Intensify

No, unless it’s moose

Cause, your actually a good player and i enjoy playing with you tbh

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Yeah so u couldve just invited intensify, who said no, and then invited eli


I invited you at least

doesnt he get to choose the next nomination even if he doesnt play tho


The orders arbitrary, remember that

Thank you for that, honestly I had no idea who would invite me lmao

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HBO did chernobyl, how dark is your show lmao

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im too confused for this

no it’s really not

i think it’s ordered

atlas it literally isnt

He mightve chosen eli yeah
I think I was invited by hosts because they were getting desperate

I asked

Go ask cloned yourself