Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

written by a man who understands his fate


the second half of windā€™s iso seems mostly useless except for the stuff vulgard pointed out already

like this is pretty ??? if she is a wolf with wazza and did exactly that

wolves donā€™t have deathproof/governor

this pretty much singlehandedly spews YBW town

did wind really make this up as mafia goon?..
kind of makes me think she actually is just the neighbourizer in which case wazza is outted lol

iā€™ll make another post for the stuff after she was outted

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maybe think about the role she flips once she flips

this is incredibly ??? for ranta
bear in mind at this point wind hadnā€™t outted yet
this was just after i claimed

it doesnā€™t actually look like theatre but i donā€™t know why wolf wind would just roll over and die for town wazza instead of maintaining the counterclaim
like she 100% would have won the dome if she did since she was claiming it at the start of the day

now this next part is important

i dont know what this means
i dont know why wind would be giving up like this because of the redchecks if the potatoes are all town?

like she just doesnt care about spewing anything

and this too


@Wazza whoā€™s idea was it to kill ybw or sulit today


Youā€™re saying she could be neighbourizer
Just see her flip and then youā€™ll see sheā€™s just not lmao

was wind perfectly fine with it? emphasis being on whether she was fine with killing sulit if for some reason you couldnt get ybw killed

I donā€™t actually remember let me check the neighbourhood

Wind was extremely fine with YBW but she barely commented on sulit, it was mainly me and Blizer

Like she said an odd post or two about her but thatā€™s literally it

ok iā€™ll make a legacy before eod but thatā€™ll probably be it

You do know Iā€™ve been in antispew for a while, right?

if you were you wouldnā€™t have told me this just after i make a bunch of misassumptions based on said antispew

poor wind.

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Iā€™m just wifoming cause I have nothing better to do
Iā€™ve been antispewing though so whatever

Honestly Iā€™m just bored

itā€™s okay weā€™ll be able to meme again soon

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