Players' Choice Invitational - Town Wins!

yeah im not surprised eli died


brb gonna thunderdome ranta rq

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moose who was added to the neighbor chat last night?

jailkeeper should out first if they exist

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they probably don’t but everyone should in beforehand

*check in

marl, we figured u are most likely to die tonight and then the neighbourhood is not as helpful as only 1 alive person.

i’m not skipping night bc SoD is at a really good time for me so if u want the game to go quicker u gotta kill me first

@Vulgard so about what happened at eod…
it was funny but I suspect that you actually like meant to do it as an RT or game of chicken or something and if it was an RT and not just a meme what did u gain from it?

if it was just a big meme then :P

I wanted more discussion time in the neighborhood

Eli votes me for no reason at eod, then it backfires
where have I seen this

as a wolf right now, I’d realize that I’m very screwed, and I need to change up my strategy
I will now do a complete 240


interesting choice of angle there

It’s not 180 but I’m not the same

Actually I’d say 260
This makes a huge difference in how this game is played

yeah I deathtunneled moose
don’t remember why but now I’m not


this kinda feels like openwolfing ngl

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