Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

I’ll give you bulletproof self Doctor instead.

okay but what if they really sucked

Not trying to attack you Neon if it looks like it, I’m just sick of tired of these terrible fucking plays I see town make every single game and want to find a way to prevent it next time.

I acknowledge that sometimes you can play good sure, but Neon this was a game where you didn’t and you should figure out a way that you could have won this game and try and use that for the next game.

You get what I mean? @Neon

you had a weak kp role because there were like 6 other town vigs in the game

Figured out how or what you could have done to make you 180 on Stella, KT and Jarek and start wolf reading them.

Well, we’re not going to talk how I voted Jarek like “Here, open season everyone” and then end up shooting a fellow hunter instead of a deer.

I am betting on that WiFoM maneuver however

“May, these are single lines from your hydra chat, surely you made a lot more offhand wrong game-related comments and you’re cherrypicking these out” I’m really not. We did not talk about the game very often

Would you be able or willing to stay on this site for a bit or at least make this your second site and try and help this site grow and improve town play.
Mafia wins like 90% of games and we really need to stop this.

the scum were doing orchestrated repeated attacks against my brain by telling me i was just trolling and it is the only reason i lost
i think we should ban this play in the future

if bribery can be banned so can gaslighting. we can do this people

what misdreavus move would you use as an investigative
i scanned Serebii and thought desting bond made the most sense for something to link 2 players

I kinda don’t respond well to powerwolfing as town, Jaiden. I feel you there.

Or just start doing the same back and show everyone why they are a wolf?

The point of mafia as town is to bury wolves.

Hold Hands


No I don’t get what you mean.

This game sucked half the people treated me like shit. I don’t get what you mean.

Town didn’t lose because of me or any singular other player.

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I dont think misdreavus even learns that but i want to make the joke

why can’t we be friendssssss

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be quiet zorvo