Pokemon Xros Wars Game Over Mafia Victory

Ah, Zorvo is sheeping someone, this truly does feel like the past again I guess.
Either way, I feel no pressure really. It’s early game and right now we’re all just kinda chilling mostly.
I’ve not played with Lady before though and this early read is wrong so I guess I have some more to be expecting :stuck_out_tongue:

Either way, I feel like when anyone receives a status, it’d be best to discuss it, right?
I doubt any will be gained just casually in the middle of a day though.

your guessing skills are amazing

This is the slimiest response I have ever seen. No response to my comment about the opener, immediately goes for a discredit on the second person on the wagon and then attempts to discredit me based on never having seen me before, including doing some fairly overt manipulation of expectations.

This isn’t how town responds to a vote. Town seeks to see if the push is town or not, town seeks other scum if they are going to ignore it.

This does neither. It doesn’t attempt to sort Z or I, it doesn’t show an intent to seek scum reads in the game elsewhere.

This is pure survivalism for the sake of survivalism and lacks town motivation.

We should put more votes here, this is likely scum.

Additionally, saying “you feel no pressure” when no one realistically brought that up is a clear tell that this player is playing to expectations and very concerned and conscious of how others might perceive their reaction.

As a townie, again, you would worry less about this and more about game solving.

Goodness someone doesn’t know me at all and it really does go to show I guess lol.
But I’ll humour you for a second.

Why do you think that the entry was actually atrocious and what do you expect from town when it comes to entering a themed game?

Like, I feel like your push wasn’t even a ‘push’ to me, it felt weak and therefore I felt no need to actually respond to it with any seriousness. I don’t regret my decision for how I responded to Zorvo though.

Also your reaction of:

Feels a tiny bit fake when you consider that Zorvo themselves said:

Which is exactly what I said about Zorvo. I have 0 reason to provide any credit to them when they literally admitted they were sheeping you. So that’s not discrediting someone, it’s saying it how it is. And perhaps if you actually bothered to read his post and reason for voting me, then you’d realise I actually had a fair point there instead of just gunning for me and being like “It’s so anti-town”

It’d be no fun if things ended just yet

VOTE: Jarek

Hmm, I think this move expresses my feelin’s. What do you think?

Kinda borin all by myself yanno

hiiiiiii babes

Who’s evil?

the fucking thread format for one

this thread is horrendous, I can’t read anything in good conscious

I can edit and delete my own messages??? can other people do that???


I can at least

why’d wisp acquire 2 voters, the tinfoil must be great

jar, are u a jarhead or a mason jar