There are some players for whom it is just NAI, but I disagree that it’s NAI in general

ill agree to that

i put up an assumption that its NAI for you since thats the alt i was guessing you would be and the person i thought you were is usually pretty audacious and not afraid to ruffle others feathers regardless of aligment

isnt day over in like 20 minutes

we really did basically nothing huh

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I am awake if barely. I still want magnus resolved one way or another.

unfortunately people decided they didn’t want to play today, sucks for me since it gives me much less to work with as shooter, but ah well

no alt spec!

im partly at fault so i apologize, it will probably happen again

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If I’m woefully wrong, make sure to be nice to me in dead chat

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I feel like i have laid my thoughts on everyone out. Sorry if i didnt help you enough.

You were fine tbh

Just envious of that day 1 activity tbh tbh

atleast its not day 4 activity amirite

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dont get me started on day 5. that shit was terrible

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I’m shooting now unless anyone has anything they want to say

Litten burned us out a bit tbh


do it

Anyway, time to shoot @SultanOfSlam

This slot has as much wolf equity as any, dragging them to end game seems miserable, and if there’s ever a time to be disciplined and just clear the PoE, now is the time. If I don’t shoot them now and instead shoot someone else and that person is town, then the new gunholder has a much more difficult dilemma to deal with since if they miss they’re choosing the lylo shooter. And missing to make a slot that seems to be disconnected from the game the lylo shooter seems awful.

A bit sad that this day was just so low WIM from everyone, feels like most people don’t really care because town is still in a good spot. Oh well. This might still just be a hit, but we’ll see I guess.

I probably should have written more but the low WIM day mixed with my day 1 skill issue on kiiruma has me a bit demoralized

I still think that there are 2-3 wolves among:

And 0-1 wolves among:

I’d shoot Sultan → Magnus then re-evaluate, if those are both misses then we’re in lylo with Magnus as the gun holder and 3 wolves among YBW, Nuto, Icet, Achro, catbae, and lol, and time to re-evaluate.

Magnus / Achro is extremely unlikely to be w/w (although that won’t matter in this particular lylo)
YBW / catbae also feels extremely unlikely to be w/w

Sultan, if you are town, please shoot Magnus, sorry I was wrong on you, you didn’t give much to work with and you needed to be resolved. You’ve not read the game, please just sheep a confirmed town on this

/shoot @SultanOfSlam @Garfooled @Eddie @May

Good luck everyone!!

Hopefully this is a hit! If not, then see you on the other side!!

Song for if this is a miss: [Official] Celeste Original Soundtrack - 15 - Reflection - YouTube

If it’s a hit, Reach for the Summit continues

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