Questions FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Let’s boot them 100%

I’ll just go away and ignore you until people do better things today.


D2 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
GoodQuestion JakeTheWolfie 1/6
[Not voting] Osieorb18, eevee, GoodQuestion, Kiiruma, Hippopablompoyeetus, Leafia, YoubutWorse, MokaJoe, Jarek, EliThePsycho 10

EOD is at 2022-01-26T18:00:00Z


Oh. Right. This exists.
Alright… Let’s do it!

I investigated MokaJoe last night and got a tentative red check.

/vote MokaJoe

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/barn on Kiiruma’s point; LAL is L(-1) reasoning.

They haven’t lied, they just didn’t vote.

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“eLim All Lurkers”

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I don’t think having roughly 1/2 of my posts can be considered lurking, especially since I have 144

Let’s fucking gooooo.
That quiz was great.
Probably should’ve focused on the bonus but I got to it with like less than 30 seconds to go lol

Ofc cannot share answers or whatnot but I can still hype it up

Okay, what’s your argument for voting them outside of them being low activity to the degree of not voting?

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D2 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
GoodQuestion JakeTheWolfie 1/6
MokaJoe Osieorb18 1/6
[Not voting] eevee, GoodQuestion, Kiiruma, Hippopablompoyeetus, Leafia, YoubutWorse, MokaJoe, Jarek, EliThePsycho 9

EOD is at 2022-01-26T18:00:00Z

Good idea. For some reason, I lost my passive ability last night too. /vote Good Question @Host_Account_1

I legitimately thought I was going to be executed there for a bit.

1 Like

D2 Vote Count

Voted Voter Count
GoodQuestion JakeTheWolfie, Leafia 2/6
MokaJoe Osieorb18 1/6
[Not voting] eevee, GoodQuestion, Kiiruma, Hippopablompoyeetus, YoubutWorse, MokaJoe, Jarek, EliThePsycho 8

EOD is at 2022-01-26T18:00:00Z

Them being in high enough activity to have voted, but did not.

And why do you wanna vote Brad?

So your argument is that they’re active-lurking? Maybe.

Oh GoodQuestion is Brad… Hm.

I don’t know how to feel about Brad not using his vote. I’ll think about that. Still haven’t really read through anything, so I’mma go through shortly. EOAT rule is a meme.