Queue Discussion Thread

I haven’t co-hosted on forums before but I think I could make a good co-ST if you ever need to check over a decision if thats what u need


Why is it marked as X??

I don’t know if it’s XIII or XIV.
It depends on if you run UFB 1st or I run BoTF.

UFB is currently in work in progress and won’t be ran until summer

So I’ll let you figure that one out

Ah ok that works. I’m planning a base 3 or one of my custom storm catcher scripts.

I volunteer as VC bot.

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Silly Marshal

Don’t think you can get away with Happy Puzzle University twice


32 player dr game


HPU was just as hell for me as everyone else

also I dont have the time for it, i stole this from tiktok

of course

the best source of ideas

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anyways imma pre-in cause its a low effort misc

ur gonna need a friendo
hence (with partners)

I want to do it solo

some people don’t have friends

BTW I’ll need a co host for BoTF.

who needs friends when you have money

bribe people to join with you

I will not kidnap your family to force you to join UFB if you join up with me for this game

Friends? What are they?

how bold