Queue Discussion Thread

Tbh… FoL isn’t FoL without a Magnus misc running 24/7.


We only got one game after the game that just opened in Vanilla queue. Im trying to expedite some games to balance queue. So if you got a Vanilla game thats GOOD send it my way and I can review it. Preferably something run before, to speed up review.

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Will you be accepting traveller’s?

I have learnt my lesson from joining botf

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I will be accepting as many travellers as the size of the evil team: I will allow no more than 2 travellers for a 7-9 player game etc.

If you are interested in travelling, you may contact me privately at any time before the game with characters you would be interested in travelling in as so that I can have the opportunity to frontload the artwork.

Possible Traveller Characters
Barista Each night, a player cannot malfunction and receives true info, or a player’s ability functions twice.
Hostess Each night*, choose a player; if they agree, you learn their character, but both of you might die.
Butcher Each day, you may make a another nomination that resolves alongside the main execution.
Bone Collector Once per game, at night, choose a dead player; they regain their ability until dusk.
Deviant If you were funny today, you cannot be exiled.

Alright cool
Also you don’t have to do art for me if I travel in

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also, heads-up, this is the first game I have storytold (although I have a lot of experience playing and spectating clocktower) and i would greatly appreciate an experienced ST to second-check any decisions I make and try to make the game as smooth as possible

nya :heart:


i would like to co-ST
do i count

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the deux es fiasco is now in play

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Eli when he realizes that he has like four other things to do:


I haven’t co-hosted on forums before but I think I could make a good co-ST if you ever need to check over a decision if thats what u need


Why is it marked as X??

I don’t know if it’s XIII or XIV.
It depends on if you run UFB 1st or I run BoTF.

UFB is currently in work in progress and won’t be ran until summer

So I’ll let you figure that one out

Ah ok that works. I’m planning a base 3 or one of my custom storm catcher scripts.

I volunteer as VC bot.

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Silly Marshal

Don’t think you can get away with Happy Puzzle University twice


32 player dr game


HPU was just as hell for me as everyone else

also I dont have the time for it, i stole this from tiktok

of course

the best source of ideas

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anyways imma pre-in cause its a low effort misc