Queue Discussion Thread

No effort Negative meme

The best meme setups are the ones the hosts put a lot of effort into making sure that it’s a calculated train wreck

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no i think it’s more funny when it’s not calculated cuz then you know that someone thought that it would be legitimately acceptable


game with a postcap of 3 posts per day

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we could meet halfway and use intuition to calculate the amount of force required to stop the train

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are we voting as if we’re playing in it or not

i desire sin

god is dead

but not because we killed him it’s because he’s the revenant


God is dead and He killed Him

if you vote and you’re unwilling to play
I’d be incredibly disappointed


Important information about SCoD 68

King elections will be decided by winning in an event
King elections will happen every day
King has the mechanic from Regal Lions, but it activates every day and can’t be used on the same people each day unless absolutely necessary
Executions will half kill people
Town has two executions per day which resolve at the same time
Nightkills will % kill people
All nontown killing roles have double the nightkills, town killing roles have been changed to work weirdly
Every single role has some form of silent dayvig which do differing amounts of damage depending on various factors
The role list is hidden and will be revealed over time by various means
The playerlist is malleable and there will be roles that manipulate the playerlist

  • Before the end of day 1, players who are not in the initial playerlist may join. If they do, they will be some form of [REDACTED] neutral

Because doctors are underpowered in FoL, % dead can be canceled out by doctor heals and other such similar mechanics

  • Bulletproof / Lynchproof will be adjusted to work as % damage reduction

There are 3 silencers in the setup
Players who die by execution are instead placed in LIMBO. They theoretically flip but can be brought back to the game through various means.
Theoretical flipping is a mechanic and considers that you can be incarcerated while not being fucking dead
There is a paranoid reroller who randomizes the role and alignment of people who visit it
One of the scum factions is Epic Mafia
There is a roleplay mechanic


Geyde quite kindly

What the fuck


Praise the dark lord

alright so not voting for the meme option then



i love it

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Town Tenacity


Did you just copy and paste all the bad mechanics from your Google document


the hell is this
im in