Queue Discussion Thread

Ooh left leaning hat looks super good

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Merry Christmas, yes.

Nah that one had a tracker too

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Merry Christday

no it didnt

it might have felt like it did because the wolves got bullied (and you randed wolf which means you probably didnā€™t actually read the game) but it was just jailkeeper 9

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can confirm

merry crimmas

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that game was also so long ago I wouldnā€™t remember as town

anyway I am probably just changing the setup because Iā€™m now considering my proposed setup is really swingy :wowee:

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i wanna see my hat

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yeah but thats less fun to bully you with

No Iā€™m hatception

Happy holidays nerds

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I will just run it with only a jailkeeper now :froggwee:

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Merry hat day


I feel like this list could be condensed and someone just has to go through the games and find out if theyā€™re actually WIP or just scrapped tbh, looking at this list I see a multitude of games I planned but never went through with, etc. etc. not to mention some games from people who havenā€™t shown up in quite some time.

Iā€™m removing all my games rn, rest in piece BTD6 FM :pensive:


Can confirm that MiA is still in the works. Just been getting the shit beaten out of me mental-health-wise IRL. So please donā€™t remove!