[RP] Perjury (Game)

I wonder why does this fill so slowly.

Oh yeah this reminds me, what happened to chili that his last message is from november?

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now that i think about it i wouldnt mind any of the other roles

except the JURY

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@Trochilidae I hope you don’t mind, but where are you chili

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dont worry, this will never happen

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you know, i was once told this by someone else


I dont even know 25 people on this site that would want to join


Be warned that the willpower mechanic may be altered slightly between now and the closing of signups. The stat system is perfect and will be kept

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oh, and as an FYI, since it isnt explicitly stated
keep your mouth shut on your role prefence, unless you are the defendant
whos what isnt confirmed until the trial


For the record, this usually happens to apply for one’s wincon as well. It makes coordinating group efforts a little bit harder, although i’d probably say the journalists have the best chance of coordinating with their teams early on? that’s not a Word of God statement, i’m just guessing


oh you thought
von karma’s ugly

I finished those character sheets, I’ll figure out my character in a bit

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hhhh it depends on what role I get is the thing

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if you want to go witness/journalist, you’ll probably get it
if you want defendant, she will probably tell you whether or not ones in the game
prosecutor/defence, just wait
dont respond to this message


idk how to create a convincing character

what is the defense even accused of


officer they jay walked across the street


It depends on the backstory, and whatever the prosecution can charge them with.
By the way, entrapment is also an offence

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What happens if the defendant dies

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The “don’t die” clause is to allow proper intimidation to work. Getting a tank and blowing the prosecution up is not an objective, please don’t.
And killing the defendant ruins the point of the game in most cases, so…