[RP] Trials of Madness - Completed - Apprentice, Magnus, Squirrel, and Windward emerge Victorious

im adding Lawful Neutral Chaotic alignment sliders based on my personal beliefs
if you wish to object your character’s personal alignment uh

yell at me


/Minimum bid.

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Deryn bids 10.

Stick glared. “Try it and you lose an eye, punk.”

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Alignment Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Lawful Good Neutral Good Chaotic Good
Neutral Lawful Neutral True Neutral Chaotic Neutral
Evil Lawful Evil Neutral Evil Chaotic Evil

no you are not crazy
yes the second line in all of them are bigger
no i don’t know why it happens

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this is why i hate formatting


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Konstantinos bids 15.

Stick is down 16 gold - Wrench
Konstantinos is down 61 - Harpoon
Evelyn is down 58 - fire res
Hoimime is down 78 - +5 agility
Chiaki is down 63 - Totem of Greed
Terrice is down 10 - Nothing
Kitty is down 13 - Nothing
Santigo is down 65 - Heart key, food, water resistance
Deryn is down 65 - Totem of the Hawk
Euclid is down 30 - Spellbook

Current item is - Tommygun (Rubber bullets)

The man unloads the gun, and counts the rubber bullets

“One… two…”
He keeps… counting…
“…Nine… Ten.”

The man reloads the gun.

The man takes aim at every player character.


Mister geographic Atlas when can we finally start the game?

(If you’re lucky, a day. If logic dictates it, two days or so.)

(Likely two days.)


Kitty right now


Konstantinos wins… I guess.

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(Oh there was an auction)