SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

YBW was getting a lot of heat, which doesn’t really make sense for scum to kill since if he’s town since he’s an easy push

though if YBW was scum that would support your theory of a neutral

since a neut would want both town and scum out of the game

but there’s no NKs so… maybe it is multiball

If he is yes

Also, Kiiruma wasnt in the best position thread wise either, i had her in the null/Rand slot for me tbh

I lean towards Multiball

but whoever is the 3rd faction

an ability that kills 4 people and cleans them is fucking beyond broken, even for a bastard game

so, there had to be a conditon filled for that to have activated

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What the fuck



there were two kills last night, but one of them seemed like a slank vig

I thought it might be a claim vig at first because of wazza/wind, but aelin/zone and min are all still alive

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That is so dumb and busted


the 4-kill faction’s thing has to be one shot

even if it’s conditional, then there’s no way it can happen more than once in the game


unless its like multiball, and one of those 4 are wolves (Which is actually decent odds tbh)

then its fucking nuts

What happened???

4 people just fuckin died LOOL

what do we even call the 3rd faction

how do we tell them apart

thanos happened

not really but that’s what it felt like

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There needs to be a trade off for that ability like

it disables the factional kill or something

cause even with a filled condition

4 kill dayvig that cleans is absolutely insane

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Why do you believe eevee did this?

I really hope so

openly claimed neutral


IDK man

i dont know my scp lore

like, it could be an scp, could be a multidude of other factions

all i know is im freaking out a bit, and im trying to study for a final

Why would neutrals have split-earth abilities?