SFoL 70: Last Stand of the Virtuous IV - Night 2 (13/19)

This is grammatically informal.

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I donā€™t know what Atlas was last game, because I didnā€™t ask.

I wanted to claim Crone but I couldnā€™t really word it in a way that sounded plausible.

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hey fuckers

hey wait i thought we werent allowed to talk about our past roles

Oh hey, I know you.

hey wait i thought we werent allowed to talk about our past roles (1)

hey wait i thought we werent allowed to talk about our past roles (2)

Eliza said alignment was okay

ā€¦in my case, claiming alignment is role claiming but shut up

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Iā€™m hereā€¦

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Do you feel sleepy?

I just settled into the game then this happensā€¦

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actually, no, Iā€™m full of energy on a single cup of coffee and 4 or so hours of sleep

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today is truly a wonderful day


honestly i forgot this game was gonna start im kinda busy playing minecraft rn

well i knew it was i just was playing mine craft

Great! In that case I assign the following homework to you:

  1. Make a list of everyoneā€™s past alignments
  2. Cross reference any difference in behavior from this and last game
  3. Do a meta dive and analyze past meta behavior, and how it plays into current context
  4. Make and update a mech master post, gathering all relevant mech info and claims. Update it as game progresses and keep everyone notified

Chop chop Gorta, you have work to do.

Same, but Iā€™m doing work.
Got a meeting in the morning that Iā€™m utterly unprepared for.

this feels like angleshooting