Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins

Don’t worry I’ll call you out on my own

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Accidently put Jaiden > YBW twice, fixed

Demisha - Eliza
Plauge Simp - Kanave
Kanave - YBW
Guavagudetama - Drinks
YBW - Jaiden,
Ranta - Demisha

Also Deceit 190 what’re you doing to yourself
(Can we get a group together sometime? :pleading_face:)

at 11, 6 to execute iirc

180ish of those hours are like a year and a half ago. Like before I joined drw 100%

Does this give you anything useful

Just wanna point out

I disagree with that being necessarily a towny action, but I can see somebody new genuinely thinking that so I won’t dwell on it much.

This one is just unironically not something towny at all :skull: but Drinks is like that so im not wolfreading them over this yet.

This one is fair.

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Moderate NGL
I just don’t think it’s productive to get into shouting matches, so that’s why I’m not a fan of that.
It makes the person defending themselves more desperate and by extension suspicious if they put a high value on their own life, and others end up taking sides to pile onto.

Not really something I have an interest in getting involved in, so that’s why I steer off it.

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Was Drinks vote just a memevot btw wtf

thats like the one thing youre supposed to do?

yeah this honestly doesnt seem like a good idea, i agree

how so?

i am also doing the same here, literally same campaign

this is honestly a fair thing to do, i had not much to say

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Yes, thank u


What does this mean? Could you expand on thisb

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What I mean with that is that somebody steering fluff posting (or like you mentioned non-agenda convo) is not something towny if anything it’s very wolfy but like I said I know Drinks is like that and they replied to me expanding on it it’s why I mentioned it doesn’t tell me anything about Drinks just yet really.

Can I get everyone who’s voted to explain their votes?
Eliza you don’t have to but you can if you want, I think we’ve all heard enough about Demi, though /hj

Comedic timing.

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I mentioned mine a couple times already but ranta just seemed to show up out of necessity without inputting anything useful which felt like out of necessity posting.
If I had to guess they’re probably busy rn though they might have something useful to say later (hopefully).

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outed as doublevoter

us rn

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will respond to pings in a sec