Silent Hill Newbie Friendly JOAT 10er 4/10 Day 3 - Mafia Wins

Yeah and you had all the reason to think that tbf

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I was doing absolutely fuckall

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What was the original question?

Gonna drop reads because last time I dropped reads and my current reads are a lot different LOL

Heavy Town Lean
Demisha (being very solvy, giving town energy. Pocketing you sm :revolving_hearts::revolving_hearts:)
Jaiden (still have a gut trust in Jaiden, another person being very solvy. Also #530)

Town Lean
Kanave (#435. On a more serious note, she’s been generally helpful to the town in ways that could be NAI but right now I want to trust her)
Plague (them being okay with dying rubs me the wrong way but not in a “I think they’re wolf” way I just don’t like it. Pretty sure they’re town.)

Sadbi (who? /j)
YouButWorse (not sure how I feel about their reads, especially on Kanave, but at least they’re contributing to the conversation.)
Ranta (the push here makes sense I guess but they have literally 9 posts and there’s nothing to read)

Scum Lean
Eliza (I swear this isn’t because of earlier in the otter server LOL. I ISO’d you after Demi asked Sadbi for reads on you, Drinks and Ranta and noticed that you actually haven’t said much either aside from, once again, pushing Demi. Though you said you only really make scum reads so I didn’t put you under heavy scum lean for not making town reads lol. It’s just, like, if you only make scum reads you think you’d be good at it but it seems like you’re just jumping on the Demi wagon Jaiden started when I don’t see it at all (except for #128 no clue what was going on there LOL))

Heavy Scum Lean
Drinks (their only scumreads are Demisha which is like the biggest bandwagon of the century and Plague which it seems like they’re just joking about. Other than those reads, unless my low attention span made me miss something in the ISO, they haven’t contributed anything but fluff. i.e. :fried_shrimp::fried_shrimp::fried_shrimp::fried_shrimp::fried_shrimp:. No I will not unfry those shrimp)

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ohoho you’d like to think so wouldn’t you


I would like to think that yes :sob::sob::sob:
If you want to critique mafia-adjacent games I’d hope you’re good at them


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good timing
@Kanave , why would people read you as scum right now?

The way I’ve been pushing people could be seen as trying to make someone say something dumb so i can push them for a mis exe

I hope you dont think that posting 1 list of reads exonerates you for the whole day, we got another 20hrs of day to use


setup designer = / = being good at reads

Hey Eliza what are your thoughts on Drinks Ranta and Plague?

i should probably continue my ranta analysis huh

Ranta has 9 posts shouldn’t take long

yeah im just playing terrarria

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wazza went and summoned calamitas for some reason

@guavagudetama @ElizaThePsycho top exe canidates?

games stalled we need more stuff to happen

I was about to ask you the same Kana

At this point im starting to come to terms with the fact that people will not want to vote ranta (despite the fact that excessive inactivity is a perfectly good reason to wolf read)

But im willing to also maybe vote Eliza based on the state of the thread I have so far, im not sure if Kana would agree though