Stand-in Tutuu

hello everybody

i have a problem

as we all know tutuu has recently opted to take a break from the site and (i believe) the internet in general

this has had a profound negative affect on my spiritual and emotional wellbeing because of our close friendship and has left a void in my interpersonal interactions /hj

therefore i am looking for someone who is willing to stand in for tutuu temporarily while he is gone - this means carrying out all of his normal activities especially the ones involving me. this includes:

  • bullying others (lightheartedly)
  • baiting others into bullying him (not lightheartedly)
  • taking me for walks
  • calling me a good boy
  • talking with me about mafia/community related drama

when tutuu returns you will be relieved of your duties (unless you don’t want to be, i’m sure we can arrange something)

what you get in return: my vulnerability

if you are interested please write a small paragraph in this thread explaining why you think you would be a suitable candidate. please note that this role is NOT for the light hearted! you must be able to endure lots of bullying, and pretend that you enjoy it, if you don’t actually enjoy it!


/in I heard we can bully arctic



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I will stand in for tutuu and fill in for what he’s been doing… distance myself from the internet and focus on myself


yo @tutuu get your boy dawg

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I’ve already got two down!


good boy, [REDACTED]

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there are a disappointing number of applications


The application process for this should be that impersonation game Tutuu held, except we’re impersonating Tutuu.

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aww!! poor wittle arcy didnt get enough apps on his post, now he’s going to be lonely forever :pensive:


i can do like 2 of those 6 things can i be a tutuu


wtf is this

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you are bald


ok your turn

which ones

bullying others and talking about drama

bro can’t even walk by himself :skull: terrible boy :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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also thats sweet

if he’s anything like my friends he will forget his password and then use it as a sign of god to leave the internet until you stalk his facebook and tell him u care

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