Starcraft Overhaul FM - GAME OVER (Mafia Victory)

Cape you’re lucky you’re town :axe: :slightly_frowning_face:

Day 3 Final Vote Count

May (6): Zorvo, Jarek, beancat, Marluna, CRichardFortressLies, Cape90
Jarek (2): May, Silviu200530
beancat (1): Italy

Not Voting (2): Magnus, Jaiden

@May has been executed!

They were...

Night 3 has begun and will end at 2022-10-26T20:00:00Z.

This topic was automatically opened after 23 hours.

@Jarek has been killed!

His role was...

Day 4 starts and ends at 2022-10-28T20:00:00Z.

Since there are 9 players alive, majority requires 5 votes.

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I must say the May flip is a big let down.

I jailkept Italy last night, not Jaiden. I was expecting to die.
Does this mean it’s Bean, or…?

…Jarek really randed the same role 2 games in a row. Albeit different alignments.

VOTE: Magnus

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Claim time
I am a nightvig with some restrictions, the restrictions are not relevant at this time

I shot Jarek and it does not make sense for scum to have attacked them

We are missing a kill

this is wack ASS

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I am once again vindicated on my Italy/CRich read

As Jarek pointed out earlier. Wolves don’t like to tie themselves to their partners. If anything, Italy and I have one wolf at most.

Are you claiming mech on Magnus?

i think his last minute switchup of his jk target is bullshit

we had a day to talk about this and we came to the conclusion that he should jk me
any other route taken without saying shit should be scrutinised to hell

Ok that’s interesting now you mention it.

We had V/V wagons at EoD3. That means the wolves were chilling and happy with either wagon.