I usually don’t like it when people express their frustration in games. Not that I care about the actual behavior, but because it feels performative.

Kiiruma says that Zenon is wolf, because he claimed to have hidden behind Zenon yesterday, but the mafia didn’t kill her in order to take him out as well.

That case relies on the following:

  • The mafia believed he was hider and would hide behind Zenon
  • The mafia would prioritize getting the hider out over anyone else

We don’t know whether these things are true. If the mafia would prefer to kill someone else over Zenon + Kiiruma, the case doesn’t work. Unfortunately, I’m having trouble judging whether they would prefer to kill someone else, because I don’t know who they used their standard shot on.

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Permit me one “god fucking damnit”. I’ve been suppressing so many swear words impersonating you.

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When you die, can I keep your skin?


Yeah, sure. I just give that stuff away, honestly. The genetic collagen disorder means it’s not in peak condition.

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Yeah. It’s best to play today as if it’s lylo without locked votes. I also don’t think I’ll be home before 6 so I probably won’t be on at EoD.

I will be moving my vote.

When I signed up for this game, I actually once mistakenly called it “mountainous” because I believed the weakness of the PRs meant that it would essentially play as such with some extra clears. That was not true in the slightest. We are in Day 2 ExLo. This is, perhaps, hell on earth.

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@Kiiruma Do you have any time to spare today? I could really use some clarity here.

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The very nature of the number two coincides with the notion of being second place. The number four is right on the nose, being the number of death. That’s what makes it perfect, as the Mafia would never do something so confident as to outwardly proclaim themselves as death.

Magnus, who’s your wolf partner.

@Sulit who are you getting a weird feeling about? Is there someone here that you’re feeling odd about, but you don’t want to say anything against them for whatever reason?

Leafia. I mechanically cannot be wolf aligned with anyone else.

honestly you

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This is ExLo. You’ve said as much. You have no sense of urgency. You are goofing around with numbers. I think you’re a wolf.

I’m being extremely careful about what I say because I’ve noticed something that others have not

That’s good. Feel free to speak your mind whenever you’re concerned about high posters. If others share your paranoia, you have a case.

You keep making so many wretched mechanical implications. I hate mechanics. I hate mechanics so bad.

Sulit, I’m going to extend the same offer to you as I have to Garfooled. You’re socially towny. Help me out here. What do you think the best course of action is?

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this makes me feel weirder

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This is a weird situation. If I clue everyone in, the sail is set and there’s only one course remaining. Would people prefer that to this?