The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

I really didnt get it after how many times i read it


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I seriously need to learn how to backread. I missed so much

from a quick skim of the rolecards uh

from what i can tell it means that wolves should have won, actually?

Then we sure worked together on that one

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Wait really?

@ElizaThePsycho @Dum can you post the rolecards as they were sent in here

it kills a person then revives them
that means that person is dead for 0 total seconds and town wins because they accomplished their wincon of killing all the mafia

ok im looking at the wrong rolecard then

See how lovely teamwork is?

macho man sorceror

aka the modconfirmed only sorc so we could get two docs and a day protection off without causing havoc

Well lets be honest right, I don’t think the fenrir would give up Deleter that easily if I were on that shoes ^^

yeah im ngl i tried to read that card and my eyes glazed over so i’m just gonna trust

So you picked two woofs and two town

Duality and balance at its finest

i picked zone n1 and arc n5
kii n2 and gar n4

Yeah okay not town enough, but sure

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I love how I wanted to psychologically manipulate mafia into trying to kill somebody else (because I assumed they’re using a strongman and that’s how they killed Merpy) to then accidentally make them try to kill Atlas.

they had only 1 strongman they could use

Atlas were you attacked twice or just once?

n2 and n3