The Grand Idea Game in which Nothing Can Go Wrong in Any Way Whatsoever - GAME OVER

hey that means I can wait

off to homework land I go

well im a moron
thanks bean for actually reading the role

wait why’d they get cleaned then

is parasite off the table?


I made a deal with the devil

'ey said that I would be pop’lr

'idnt know 'ey would do dis to me

Corpse Eater (Passive) - Whenever you kill a player, they do not publicly flip, however you learn what they were, and you gain 2 shot versions of all of their abilities, as well as any passives of your choosing. Additionally, you may choose to appear to be the role of any dead player.

Parasitic Takeover (Night) - Kill target player. Inf use


okay i think that means if parasite is in play they can yeet me


not do that

@IcetFeelsPain you have until the top of the hour

not really no
why would scum just

out themselves like that

They get a two shot vig :person_shrugging:

o h right they have to publically claim

nvm @IcetFeelsPain u have until later

still claim before i yeet u

i meant “its not really off the table”

Ah ok

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Anyway if y’all let me noodle for a bit i’ll just wagon-vote

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sorry. jake
i accidentally liked this post

Can i have the noodle after?

why arent you contributing to town

stops pouring wine


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