turbo no.2

didn’t read a single post


didn’t see it then


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What happens if you add filler in ur votes

most games where an MU turbo regular rands wolf will probably be wolf wins via spk lol no one has any idea what they’re doing

Yeah honestly poisoned u did p good, that f3 was completely on me for being stupid. I was never not voting you there bc I misunderstood what had happened. You’re all good

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its ok part of the experience

Do still like the Orange vc sheet for long form games but this works great for short term stuff

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ikr i loved it

not in for another need to sleep


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automatically self voting was fun

lmao this dvc is hilarious

i wasnt planning to set you up on being the N1 tho i just thought u were pretty villagery and we kept echoing takes

and then i had no clue who the PR was so i just said fuck it and shot you

livin players:

try it

VOTE: Li<alakahfkgw>tten

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well that answers that :wowee:

Litten (1): Litten

Not Voting (2): katze, catbae