turbo no.2

I feel like Katze is more likely to vote out their teammate and take an easy win, but… if YBW is town, then there should have been a snipe

votes are locked in LyLo so if i wanted to snipe YBW after your vote i couldn’t have

if I were scum, and poisoned were town, they would know 100% that I am mafia bc u voted catbae when u couldve voted me instead
so idk why poisoned is wavering here since from their point of view katze is always town

Well that’s the problem. I’m an indecisive fuck

sigh How much time do we have left

ill vote in a minuteish if nobody else does first so there’s a bit of time to process them before the day ends

i’m kinda falling victim to the “it’s way worse to lose to squid” card and the fact that i hear marshals voice echoing “ybw is town you dumbass” in my head doesn’t help either :wowee:

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i feel like ive done the most that I can without being uncessairly antagonisitc

there’s a timer below the thread

refresh if u dont see it

ill vote first for u dw

VOTE: PoisonedSquid

VOTE: YouButWorse

God forgive me for being a dumbass

fuck it marshal sucks

VOTE: youbutworse



The cat squad @catbae and @katze have won!

thanks for playin dorks

it was fun to host

Yep I knew it

oh ok

i had fun
