Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 1 - Days 1 & 2

achromatic why are u making bad posts. u should try making Good Posts instead


maybe zorvo is the modposter

Then why Gghana claims the action and leaves?

for teh lulz

I want to smoke the drugs memes is on

it’s actually pretty amusing how quickly heisenberg became the top wagon relative to how confident i actually feel about him being mafia

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Anyway i read your case and i at least agree that he hasnt shown any thought process.

Someone i respect recently told me that i need to let people pursue my null reads more, so you can have fun with that one.

But sabi plz on memes. Plz.

Im not prepared to having to scum hunt and also watching out for trolls.

welcome to FoL


im not actually surprised though given how garbage the case on zorvo or katze probably is though

my current theory is that he is a modposter wolf and maybe even ascetic so i support this post :stuck_out_tongue:

The thread is rotten until i get clarity from @GaulSoodman

if u could choose the top 3 leading wagons rn, who would they be

not to diss them but
the zorvo push in particular feels overtly thread-cloggy regardless of zorvo’s actual alignment and heisenberg feels like a type of push thats better for the threadstate

not to say that we cant build an actual good case on zorvo or anything
i just cba to make one right now one way or another

the way i read the mod posts was that the clowns were just part of the role not added by the person who wrote the posts

ive been considering doing this but i also understand that the thread is probably better off not talking about him for a bit

but i do think even if we disregard modpostgate that i’d still wolfread him so :person_shrugging:

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Case tomorrow. I’m falling asleep playing codenames rn

I haven’t slept in the last four nights.

gaul is unhealthily addicted to the clown emoji last time i checked
which is admittedly a while ago but
gaul being the one person to get a clown modpost role would be a large coincidence