Umineko FM: Land of the Golden Witch - Thread 2 - Days 3-7

Ah, that’s not what I was saying.

I am saying I think his play is shit and he doesn’t solve well but also his pushes today feel more tinfoily and cranky than wolfy.


why is sufdaddy susdaddy

i predict zack is exactly a wolf rolecop but i refuse to explain why gn


when did you change your mind

i do kinda agree with night that I didn’t like your arctic push so I would like some clarification on why you originally pushed zack


explain or I get my wolf healer to heal you

Is it Okay to copy/paste things I said in a private chat. It’s just me right lol

it feels right given the gift he gave me

generally ruling here is to paraphrase stuff


if it wasn’t in a neighbourhood where anyone else saw it then it’s fine

katze also right paraphrasing is guaranteed to be safe

nah not what I meant

so many quotes I quoted, hold on ;o

i see

so he gave you a gift to tell you he rolecopped you

fascinating theory tell me more

“hey bestie!

how are you doing!

here is some arsenic we know you’re the cop prepare to get nightkilled tonight catboy”

sincerely, wolfchat


i find “what would you do here as a wolf” sort of an impossible question to answer in games honestly.

I could also be incorrect and still v

counterpoint I am never correct in a game of mafia

i wouldnt put it past astand to make a wolf role give people gifts that are functionally useless and instead rolecop the target

mostly because id do it

it sounds funny

tell me how you really feel

what? lol

(“it feels right” is more me saying “if you’re a wolf i think you’re prob a wolf investigative role” not “you gave me a gift therefore you are a wolf rolecop”)

on 2 people each night, and i’d publicly talk about it ITT both times so far?

this seems plausible to you?

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