Wavelength 2: Plagiarism Edition - Team ??? wins!

Oh ny god im crying

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shes not she doesnt troll like that

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(<-- has no idea who annika is)

Team Shrimp Coffee leads on that avenue, even if we lead on no other ones

Round 3 Results

The Team

@benguinedparbecue, @Ash, @thepigeonnyc, @iamagummybear

Guessed 4, actual number 4
Guessing Points: 4
Higher or Lower Points: 4
Total Points: 8

shrimp coffee

@Ren, @dyachei, @PawnLelouch, @Myrddin

Guessed 16, actual number 11
Guessing Points: 0
Higher or Lower Points: 4
Total Points: 4

Team ???

@Marshal, @sulit, @Chloe, @katze

Guessed 5, actual number 3
Guessing Points: 2
Higher or Lower Points: 3
Total Points: 5

bricking on turn 3

@Marluxion, @YouButWorse, @ElizaThePsycho, @Kanave

Guessed 5, actual number 10
Guessing Points: 0
Higher or Lower Points: 3
Total Points: 3

Team Mass Genocide is NOT cool

@Arete, @pandora, @Marluna, @Achromatic

Guessed 2, actual number 1
Guessing Points: 3
Higher or Lower Points: 3
Total Points: 6

you choose

@Arctic, @sevenseas, @catbae, @annika

Guessed 17, actual number 15
Guessing Points: 2
Higher or Lower Points: 3
Total Points: 5


@IcetFeelsPain, @eaves, @childe, @Luka

Guessed 7, actual number 13
Guessing Points: 0
Higher or Lower Points: 2
Total Points: 2

Team Total Round 1 Round 2 Round 3
The Team 20 5 7 8
Team Mass Genocide is NOT cool 20 7 7 6
Team ??? 18 6 7 5
you choose 15 4 6 5
bricking on turn 3 14 5 6 3
shrimp coffee 13 4 5 4
The 13 9 2 2

Round 4 Psychic PMs will go out shortly-ish, guessing phase will end 2024-05-18T01:00:00Z


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@YoubutWorse Girl what libraries are you going to

Idk dirtier ones than yall ig

Any public libraries I’ve seen have been on par with museums for having clean environments.


im going over to your libraries nad cleaning them to retroactively change your opinion


Its not like dirty but its def not super flean. Its p in the middle, which is why i was like “oh this is such a good answer” and then yall Missed It

I thought it was a decent answer, like it’s not a particularly clean environment, there’s lots of random people there touching random things, people leave books around, I’d wash my hands before eating if I’d been in a public library

public libraries are pretty clean where i am

They’re not explicitly dirty but they’re not especially clean. They’re kept neat but not constantly sanitised. Solidly 10, maybe a little higher. If I were doing a 5 I would do, like, a freshly cleaned hotel room, and a 1 would be a fucking. Sterile research laboratory.


If no one got me i know may got me (sadly)