Word Match 2 - Team ๐Ÿบ is Victorious!

even if you went vague and chose like

planet instead of your round 6 word
we STILL should have won on round 7 because [My word] + [Planet] with [my round 6 word already taken] leads us DIRECTLY to [THE OTHER (MYROUND6WORD) Planet!]

Look on the bright side you probably beat marl and ybw

possibly not

we didnโ€™t actually do that horribly

comparable to the bottom end of last round

slight TW btw


like seriously you shouldve expected worse

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IF I DIDNT DO my round 6 word, we probably would have been at least 20+ before we aligned on something

Oh well

At least I know we beat ya :wowee:

this almost happened to us before i pulled the plug and took us to space

me and Vulgard are such a good team. the best team.

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We couldโ€™ve won earlier if I remembered Crunchy

Which I refuse to explain the context for until its revealed

i think we beat katze at least

we might die alongside katze

idrc about that Im just happy if were not last

i hope whoever hasnโ€™t finished yetโ€™s power goes out just long enough to make them forget about the game but not long enough to have a meaningful impact on their homelife and food

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i would rather die alongside a friend than you

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Well good thing ur dying with vulgard then



I will chisel an amogus on your grave

After this idk if heโ€™ll still want to be friends :pensive: