Word Match 2 - Team 🏺 is Victorious!

Our second reveal of the night will be Team…

  1. :heart_on_fire: (iaafr and Illwei)
  2. :mermaid: (Vulgard and katze)
  3. :imp: (Marluxion and YouBut Worse)
  4. :bowl_with_spoon: (Amelia and Corn)

@discobot roll 1d4

:game_die: 4

…Team :bowl_with_spoon: (@Amelia and @Corn)!


Team :bowl_with_spoon: finished in 11 rounds!

this is painful

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hey u guys were on basically the same page at least

more than marl and ybw can say


host note (spoilers for the rest of the reveal): if they’d finished on round 4 with the objectively correct answer, they still would’ve lost the tiebreaker. on the other hand, there was a right answer to this one :joy_cat:

i was so confident wed get this round 3 with dog/unicorn into animal

yea i gotta say i stand with corn here

That leaves us with three teams.

  1. :heart_on_fire: (iaafr and Illwei)
  2. :mermaid: (Vulgard and katze)
  3. :imp: (Marluxion and YouBut Worse)

@discobot roll 1d3

:game_die: 2

Yeah no
I was overthinking

Team :mermaid: (@Vulgard and @katze) finished in 4 rounds this time!



hey its fine
i absolutely loved doing this
even if at the end we choked hard
you should invite me to do this more often!

clever use of opposite tbh

also how is angel + wilderness = devil

Our penultimate reveal this night will be…

  1. :heart_on_fire: (iaafr and Illwei)
  2. :imp: (Marluxion and YouBut Worse)

@discobot roll 1d2

:game_die: 2



Just stay on the lookout for more miscs like this ig

she and illwei could both put literally anything and arete can’t say it doesn’t count because nobody knows how the fuck their minds work

