Word Match 2 - Team ๐Ÿบ is Victorious!


Heyโ€ฆ Iโ€™m not that dumb.

Well we know whos next to beat

Iโ€™m not sure about that

they just bullied me

@YoubutWorse we are so clean

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btw whoever wins this should host the next one

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(we arenโ€™t winning this)

@Chloe whatโ€™s the over/under of you and hally taking like 30 turns this round

btw I accidentally listed a round number twice so you guys took one round longer than I thought

No comment :joy_cat:

it isnt that bad ok we still have a chance

chally got it in 1 round again because their words were cat and moderator and then guessed piper


no we put katze

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kat forgets shes a mod Ep.100

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ifthe final 2 teams tie they should go again until therea a winner imo


Iโ€™m willing to change the rule to that if all teams in the final 2 agree

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[cue both other teams not saying they agree because they think they lost]

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hey non-:amphora: teams do you agree

i didnt read the rules but i assumed that was the standard because F2 is sacred

(so yes)

(i do not speak for vulgard but i am also correct)

(i do speak for marl because he has no rights)

(ybw can have her own opinion ig)

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