Word-Match Misc - Team Teal (Arete and Vulgard) Win!!!

it can be something like that as long as it’s a proper noun

places are fine (for example “South Dakota” would be fine, same with “Big Chungus”, but “red cat” would not unless it’s referencing a thing or place named red cat)

Hyphenated words are also fine.


and i’m obv gonna be counting things that are super similar or basically the same, “New York City” and “nyc” or, like, “color” and “colour”. Discretion will have to be used on those



spec chat (which in this case means ‘Ranmilia’) has some concerns that the game will quickly degenerate into people picking the same thing across rounds if it is at all plausibly related (not necessarily due to intentional cheesing) and suggests a ban on repeating words your team used in previous rounds

doesn’t this follow that

only if you’re keeping a pattern on purpose, I think

but I might be wrong

still a pattern

I originally had a ban on choosing the same starting words as words you’d previously said before I changed it to website-generated words.

I think my blanket metagaming ban / discretion is probably enough. I’m not going to ban all previously used words because that ends up becoming a lot of words and I think it’s reasonable if a team or team member wants to, for example, say “Red” more than once, but if a team is obviously semi-ignoring the prompts to end up at “hamster” like 3 times i’m going to force them to choose something else.

It’s probably better to handle it case-by-case anyways because if it really is subconscious it likely won’t be the exact same word, and if it is the exact same word and only tangentially related to the prompt I don’t think that could be anything but cheesing


also is this a joke because the game says “low-effort” or is this real

if you’re actually partnering can i get a confirm, if not thats fine hf

competitive team games always kind of just
for me

not confirming now but might do so later
need to decide

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/in looking for partner

@DatBird I’m down if you’re down

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are the people on the top the kardashians

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@ElizaThePsycho because marahal is a nerd and i cant solo this, i need you to come join me for this game

/in with intensify


looking for partner


i heard @Host_Account_2 has a crush on u


wow host account 3 that’s so cool

sorry I can’t play with you

also looking for a partner

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what do you mean crush

they dated for 4 years until host account 3 cheated on host account 2 with host account 1 and now they don’t speak with each other


why was host-account-6 afraid of host-account-7