Word Match V: Friendship is Necromancy Magic

Welcome to: VERY SIMPLE LOW-EFFORT WORD-MATCH MISC 5: This Time With Shameless Nostalgia Baiting

Created by @Marshal. OP stolen from @marshal and @may via @Arete

Hosted by @Ash and @Marluna

How this works

  • The game itself is pretty simple. You and your partner are given different words to start. After you say your words, you both try to say another word that relates to both words you just said at the same time. Then, you all try to say a word that relates to the new words you said. Repeat this process until you both say the same thing.
  • Example round
Round Player 1 Word Player 2 Word
1 Tree Cat
2 Nature Moderators
3 Homosexuality Human
4 Chloe Chloe
  • These players were trying to say a word that relates to the three words they are given. In round 2, for example, Player 1 chose “nature” as trees and cats can be both found in nature, while Player 2 said “Moderators” because 2 FoL moderators are commonly represented by trees and cats. In this match, this group would have won by round 4, with both saying “Chloe” as a word that relates to “Homosexuality” and “Human”, all finding this relation from Chloe being a human who commonly states her homosexuality through statements such as “i’m gay”.

How it will be adapted to forums

  • You and your partner will be given a random word pair using https://randomwordgenerator.com. This is to prevent metagaming or the random words you choose being the same.
  • Instead of saying it at the same time, as that’s not feasible, you and your partner will have a private message in which you will say and be given your words.
  • There will be multiple pairs running/competing at the same time. After 72 hours, the pairings that took the largest number of rounds to get to their word will be eliminated. There will be a 1 hour processing break between rounds.
  • The number of teams eliminated each round will be calculated with the formula [number of teams remaining]/4, rounded to the nearest whole number . For example, if there are 13 teams left, the formula would be 13/4 = 3.25, rounded to 3, meaning the 3 worst-performing teams would be eliminated that round.
  • After every round, every team’s results will be posted in a table like the example one. In the case of ties, the winning team will be the one who had the most rounds with a partial match (2/3 matching words). If they were the same, then we will use the partial count in the previous round. Failing that, we will use the results of the previous round to tiebreak. If there are not enough previous rounds to determine that, a special tiebreaker round will be held just for those teams to determine who remains.
  • We reserve the right to WotM out specific starting word combinations that would break the game in an un-fun manner.
  • After every even round, surviving teams choose a player from a knocked-out team to “revive” and join their team. This means that Rounds 1 and 2 will be 2-player Word Match, Rounds 3 and 4 will be 3-player Word Match, and so on. At the conclusion of each even round, I will randomly order the teams: that order, going from top to bottom, will be the order in which teams get to select which player to revive. Teams will have 24 hours and a private chat to discuss their selection.
  • A player cannot be revived more than once.


  • Talking in thread to discuss the hilarious word parings will be allowed, but strategizing or trying to signal to your teammate will not be allowed. Speaking of this, Please don’t communicate in any way with your partner about your choices in ongoing rounds. Even jokingly. That ruins the spirit of the game .
  • You can not attempt to game the system in any way by going against the spirit of the game or the rules by trying to metagame by repeating words or keeping some kind of pattern across rounds (such as saying numbers every round and then making your next word always the next highest number). Any attempts to go against the spirit of the game will be banned and we will make you submit a new word. If we rule you have to resubmit because it’s in some way meta-gamey, the ruling is final and I won’t take arguments. Please don’t try to bend the rules to your advantage, just don’t. We reserve the right to flat-out remove you from the game if you do.
  • Sadism is the state of leaving a partial match. The total Sadism count will be updated at the end of the round.

To Join:

/in by yourself or with a partner. If it’s with a partner, they must confirm. If it’s by yourself, put down your time zone, and we’ll put you in “looking for partner”. If at the end there are multiple people in “looking for partner” who want to play but haven’t chosen, they’ll be placed together as best as we can based on their time zone. There is no cap on players/teams this game.

Sign-ups will be open until 2024-08-13T22:00:00Z. The game will start on 2024-08-14T01:00:00Z.


  1. @/Hazardwaste and @/Litten
  2. @/Kanave and @/guavagudetama
  3. @/May and @/Zugzwang
  4. @/Arctic and @/arete
  5. @/Chloe and @/sulit
  6. @/pandora and @/lilith
  7. @/Marshal and @/Bionic
  8. @/CarrotyReaper and @/carbonated
  9. @/nutella and @/Jane
  10. @/katze and @/alexandra

Looking for Partner (Include your Time Zone)



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also the random order seems kinda lame compared to who did the best last round

I didn’t want to create a positive feedback loop, though I suppose that’s assuming Word Match enables such a thing.

/look for partner (Timezone GMT -3)

feel free to ping me if you wanna play with me be wared i suck tho

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…whats the point of doing well then

most people will just choose their friends anyway

This is making me realize that I forgot to include that the previous round’s result are a tiebreaker if all previous rounds had the same number of Sadisms.

hey atlas remember how we were gonna become one person


what happens if the game has an odd amount of players

That is a problem for future me.

maybe make it so someone can be revived only once so more people get a shot rather than the game just becoming picking favorites

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i also dont understand how the order to choose works - you announce the order but they only have 24 hours to choose, and they won’t know if their choice is taken by someone else because everyone does it at the same time

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The idea was that each team would have their own ranking of, “If this person is taken, we’ll revive this person.” The other option was to revive and recruit as soon as a team asked for a player and for the 24 hour thing to be a hard cap, but I didn’t want things to go to a buzzer race of sorts.


This is probably a good idea.

As funny as the idea of one player constantly losing and being recruited until they win is, it’s better game design to let others get a chance.

I’m looking for a pardner


/in look for partner EDT (but cant play past 330 pm edt this week)
Inlove this game
I think i signed up wrong but uh lmk if i did

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Ill play w anyone rly :heart:

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wanna test our brain waves or whatever

i am capital s Sick
if you dont have anybody else by deadline i’d be glad to but i’m more than likely to fail

(brain fog, i think?)