Zone's Testament - Signups (FILLED!)

I do not recall which game it was, but I apologize if that upset you.
However, I would like to question where exactly I made fun of others.

If you want to say that you view my testament as a joke from me…
Well, I won’t stop you. You have the right of free thought after all.
All I can do is simply disagree.


you both gamethrew in ENA FM and made many assumptions that were clearly not true if you had checked the OP

you dont give other hosts the same respect that you demand as a host

also like, explain to me how this entire game isnt entirely you complaining about the fact that people didnt read your OP “no matter how simple it was”

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This may sound like an excuse,
but I genuinely do not remember anything from ENA FM
other than the fact that I participated in it.

I never asked for respect from other hosts,
so I do not understand where this comes from.

This game is most definitely born from my complaint,
but nowhere did I make fun of others.

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i thought about it more and imagine being a new player and trying to understand this op


Hard to imagine seeing a new player on this site.
If there are any, then I will just explain in PM.

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This is so much easier to read than the long ass ops



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LOL what is this

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Rework lfol and botc in this style of simplicity pls

Its scientifically proven to retain attention better

Tik toks and youtube shorts are times popular than lengthy youtube videos

The most popular videos all begin with a short barebones summary of what the viewer is expected to see. MrBeast does it every vid

Like its not “dumbed down” even if Zone perceived it as such, at least imo. Imo its legit better and it takes craftsmanship to be able to maximize simplicity

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A 9v2 mountainous

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sure, I’ll bite

Mountainous 11p with a simplified op that Zone is implying is bad


Mark my words. This will become the new standard for OPs. Out of spite, Zone achieved the opposite of what he intended. The irony makes it sound very realistic


You’re literally right

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It is not my intention to imply simple opening posts are bad.

My intention was to host a game,
and prove that all effort I have spent
in the making of other games’ opening posts
are worthless.


…was someone denying that? Because it’s true

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I’m going ahead and assume this is an /in.

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yes, sorry. This is my first time signing up for a game the others have been replacements or like may signing us up as a hydra. /in


Yeah. Agentt did.
Unless I misunderstood him,
which wouldn’t be a surprise
considering it’s me.

Honestly, I love the OP. Laughs Probably the best I’ve seen yet.
