Cookie Thread Act 2: Silksong

I have just started chapter 1 and I already have 3 leif lords

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oops I didn’t mean to post that lol

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In case of confusion. The thread host needs to first ping players with [alive] [/alive]


yeah I’m just trying to test how vote tags parse lol
I didn’t know how alive tags worked tho, thanks

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u are an affogato

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funny how avocado toast is praised as the holy grail of healthy meals, even for weight loss, but afaik it has the same calories as a burger, like avocado is super dense with calories

i really dont know how to phrase this but calories arent like. the whole deal

right, my point was more so that specifically for weight loss ppl are like “burger bad” “avocado good” when they’re (i think) idential in calories. just funny to me

calories are also not the same for weight loss

u lose weight if ur calorie intake is less than your calorie expenditure

and u gain weight if its more

I don’t believe in calories so they’re not real

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calories are just something something burning or whatever. how your body proccesses them is a different story. obviously calories are related to weight loss but the types of food are quite important too

[citation needed]
idk if any of this is actually true i just am pretty sure. came to me in a vision

all im saying is if you eat 2000 calories of seaweed or 2000 calories of ribs very different things will happen to your body (both horrifying)

regardless of ur body goals, ur body needs protein, fat, carbs, fibres, vitamins, etc. thats just healthy, u need these stuff regardless

but at the end of the day gaining and losing weight is entirely based off ur calorie surplus/deficit