I made a post like this

No Zorvo didn’t get jokerized at any point

Then how did Zorvo die, Marluna claimed mafia didn’t do this.

Which of course, I don’t believe that.

Then why did that kill restriction persists even the next night after?

You get turned into a joker if you, and I quote "get killed by another player, they may or may not return as a joker if they are resurrected by the same player (why is it so specific), this is determined by turn order (???)


This should be accurate.

It could imply he wasn’t night killed at all for whatever reason and killed himself or was killed by a bot.

But honestly your guess is as good as mine.

These are EoD’s yes, but it should be more useful to have multiple vote counts throughout the day like changed wagons

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The joker could have done it, actually. but the Joker bot doesn’t have literally any guns or anything it’s just a bot.

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I refuse to believe he got killed just by puns.

His rolecard suggests he’s allowed to make, but anyone else is prohibited to make these jokes.

Marluna told one.

It doesn’t say what will happen when that rule is broken on that rolecard.

Townies. 100 percent townies. I’m soulreading everyone here as townies.

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I don’t know what it means for Eliza.

For magnus my wish could have done it. I did change it to be completely random but maybe they took my first wish anyway.


All I know is people are jokers and I get told who, and they apparently are never told they have the joker modifier (they don’t get a new role or told anything it just lets me make them insane)

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I hate you.
I don’t mean it, ily.

And insanity appears to be permanent. We’ll know today because the joker bot will vote today like it did D2 if it’s permanent.

At least we know tying the votes is impossible now.

If the joker bots count for actual votes for EOD/hammering purposes I could potentially have insane voting power.

I just make them all insane and vote someone and they’ll instantly hammer on anyone I want lol.