Baldur's Gate 3 uPick - Day 4 [8/13] - The Party Wins

Man am I glad I didn’t unlock anything but the adrenalin junkie passive.
(Literally saved us for one phase LMAO.)

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I was hoping ud have unlocked a visiting night action when i submitted bionic n3 kill for a bit

i was not very helpful but thanks for having me


Hey, uh… any thoughts on your role?
Did you like it?



That is us the hood distrusting each other so much


From my notes. I was prepared to win and spam this

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practically it actually does benefit assuming normal kp rates due to vig being very public

May chose “anyone”.
Specifically, I chose Wyll & Mizora.

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i knew i should have tried to answer this properly but i just said “your mom”


i would answer: “the worth of a single town player is less than the total sum of them all” (which isnt an answer in the literal sense but arguably its an “answer”)

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that’s what i was trying to think of but i just wanted to get into the dvc to ask hosts about the modkill because ending the day with it felt unnecessary but if it’s a game mechanic then uhh, different issue

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i would say wolves were unlucky with specifically me being bulletproof but it actually ended up being their saving grace because tutuu would have been cooked on day 2 if i wasn’t bpv

that was an incredibly clutch action by kiiruma lol. i think town did extremely well with mech this game and i don’t know how much wolves could counterplay it, navigating this game as mafia seemed really rough

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.>mf who gets kp every game


I think your shot really helped get the game going. Ironically it was a wolf who said this, but I think the game became pretty obvious after one wolf flip. But until then the game would have been in a weird state where everyone kinda tunnels on their own reads until a wolf finally dies. If Someone hadn’t been killed I feel like it would have still been difficult for me to convince people to vote them out unless I abused my IC status. And the shot definitely helped save my WiM for that day after the d1 flip, which I maintain was terrible but it happens

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By the way, was this ever answered in the end?

i felt helpless against town’s power roles but also all of them they did use them accurately. maybe swingy, high-roll-y, happens. sometimes it swings to town’s favor

i just wish someone (player) had a more useful role. idk if biased coz he died so quick but to me he felt like a mafia goon. other than that i think we were fine, mine and luka’s roles, and town’s roles too

bionic’s peek (not the ball) was maybe a bit too oppressive, like if he had stayed quiet about his ability (and we didnt rolecop him) and we would have cooked up a fake claim he could have just caught us in a lie if i lied about the spell school of our abilities. coz like not only can he peek spell schools but he can select a spell school and check when was it used; so 2 different types of “checks” to catch someone in a lie. maybe unnecessary when frostwolf is a tracker already imo

so yeah i think it was fun and good. i would have only wished Someone had a stronger role and Bionic had a slightly weaker role


you can’t multitask by default but luka claimed his ability specified otherwise (when he was still fps’ing lol)

cant multitask yeah