BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

Anyways any idea who the Demon might be?


Drunk, puzzledrunk is CRich and you?

i have some idea, yes :wowee:

It isnā€™t Jake.
It is me. I am holding the Lilā€™ Monsta.

Something to B-

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crich is drunk

Im puzzledrunk
thats what i think, and makes the most sense

/exile Silviu

Just to be safe, you could be evil after all.

Comedy gold right here

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If evils have a mez who turned someone, itā€™s a chance youā€™re sober but didnā€™t change due to balance despite being next to an evil player.

me and jake talked about it above
read that, tell me if you have any objections to my logic
jake gave up on it a bit ago

(In the world you are the good CL)

but then whos evil
the Slayer?

all logic leads to jake

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Idk. Maybe?
Iā€™m just here vibing and cowering away from talking to anyone in case I get associated with them.

do we have any particular reason we think crich canā€™t be sober

kii youā€™re confirmed good

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Considering Amelia tried to guess CRich is drunk, maybe CRich is puzzledrunk instead?

Saying that because Amelia has been told you are the demon after that

Also sorry if I am being confusing I am very new to the game :sob:

then iā€™d need to be Mezepheles in lil monsta

which isnā€™t possible, because of my whispers