BotF XVII: U-Pick Your Poison - D6 - Lil Monsta (And the Evil Team) Wins!

and then I read up

That message was sent seven hours ago.

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@YoubutWorse wanna whisper?

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I remember wondering this a few months earlier: especially in a longform setting, is there any particular reason not to nominate everyone? Iā€™d understand the panic that might arise in shortform, butā€¦

Just rambling to myself, ignore me.

Yup. Definitely a cute pixie. Youā€™re doing a great job Jake. Keep it up.

Fair enough.

Heā€™s also acting exactly like a pixie would too.

Also, I couldnā€™t sleep but will likely be trying again soon.

Not sure why youā€™re nominating me here. Not sure you have to go that far.

A marionette thinks theyā€™re a townsfolk.

I agree with you there.

@Host_Account_2 My defense is that Jarek must be high on something if heā€™s nominating me here. Or just way into his madness. One of the two. Or possibly both.

YBW is a traveller.

I wouldnā€™t mind being your cohost again for it.

Now to eat.


Iā€™m going to be honest. If you really are a Pixie, youā€™d probably claim to not be one as you donā€™t inherit Leafiaā€™s role if you arenā€™t deemed mad enough by the Storytellers.

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Also if youā€™re a Fool while youā€™re nominated, then being executed would help to avoid being made LM holder in F3.

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That actually happened in a game I was storyteller in. It was a LM game and evils won by putting LM on the Fool who still had their extra life left.

Ah. Interesting.


I saw it. Thatā€™s fine.

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Okay. ^_^

actually guys im pixie and my target is legion for some reason. weird

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Reminder that on this script, only two roles survive execution. They are the Fool and Lleech.

Is there any reason not to nominate Crazynuto? They seem pretty UTR so far, and yet no one is seriously discussing them as of now.

Hmmm, pretty sure heā€™s good honestly based on my whisper with him but his silence certainly is strange given his claim to me, so Iā€™m not completely against nominating him.

I see. Tbh I wouldnā€™t mind getting their claim before making a decision on them.
In fairness, they could have real life as a thing.

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