Dangan Werewolf Invitational (2/15) Game Ended Night 2 - Despair Won

Well real quick if I might ask, did either of you get an item?

Because I didn’t get one, so I assume one of yall have it

ya i’ve gotten an item

not last night tho

So Blasian you should have it right? Unless they made the ability like a 3 use or something

also possible they didn’t give an item to anyone last night

yeah, but I think if you got an item from them before, I don’t know what would’ve changed. And it doesn’t make sense for the last mafia to have an item giving ability and an inves blocking ability

why doesn’t it make sense for last maf to have one of those abilities?

because the last mafia has the flame wall tokens right? I don’t know why it would make sense that someone would have an investigation block and an item giving ability

no the flame wall tokens was from drinks

i do understand the confusion though

Ahh nvm then, fuck if I know what the last mafia ability would be

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drinks used a VOID role which he died (not sure if you know void, it’s a dangan werewolf adjacent mode) and the void role let him block investigations on four people

Ahh ok, not aware of VOID so wouldn’t know. I guess he also had team danganronpa right? He’s probably doing something in the night

i think that the void this is what he did with team danganronpa? i could be wrong but i believe that’s what it was

Ohhh right yeah that makes much more sense, because it only appeared after his death right? Mostly the links in game facts were a bit hard to pinpoint what happened, so that makes a lot of sense and now a lot of the stuff I was thinking about I just feel dumb about x.x

nono don’t worry it can be rough to pinpoint everything

it’s first time for a lot of people so no worries you don’t gotta feel dumb

you had the added caveat of coming in late too so you had a rough situation

The first day/two was probably the most confusing thing to read through for me because of all the events and stuff going down

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it was a big “you had to be there” moment

Yeah essentially, makes me regret choosing to be a backup over playing originally


I never got an item the entire game.
So it’s possible there is either a limit or they just didn’t give one.