Don't Starve - Anonymous TOWN VICTORY!

I’m too nervous to even do it without the fucking dropdown aaaaa

For the record, w!Webber just votes you to maintain a consistent read and rambles about the D1 partnership to whomever else is alive. Turning a read around on a perceived dime to suspect Wicker is a tinfoil, when occam’s razor from an outside perspective is that Wicker expected me to do that as a villager. It would just be rude if I was evil.

Qualification shouldn’t be rooted in success, though. Missing a vote isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of future games layered on themselves. You’re all good.


And it’s a good thing too, because with that likeminded trait of his… Town won.

Well played. You were honestly higher in my reads than Wortox, but… I simply cannot believe in myself.

I swear if we’re both good and we win because we doubted ourselves then that’s really sad but funny.

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Well… it is sad, but I don’t think it’s funny. Not for me, at least. It just shows how lacking I still am.

But hey! If you can find irony in this situation of ours, then it should be welcomed!

It’s still a good game. I wouldn’t have anyone else cast the deciding vote even if it’s a loss.

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Either way I’m heading off for now and playing a game to try and calm my nerves because my heart is racing.

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I’m so damn sorry if I’m wrong because I’ve went against what I thought.

Why would you be sorry? I’m not disappointed and nobody who’s dead has any right to be either, they aren’t here for a reason.

This is… quite an odd statement. Do you mean to say that we are all here by pure happenstance?

Final Day 7 Votecount

Webber (2): Wickerbottom, Wortox
Wickerbottom (1): Webber

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@Webber has been killed by Execution!

They were...

The Constant, Mafia Goon
Screenshot 2024-02-09 211233
Abilities: Factional kill during night phases and 24/7 communication over Discord with your partners.
Win Condition: You win when your faction gains half or more of the town’s population.


Town has won! Thanks for playing!





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<3 u pkr

I’m playing hearthstone with Hazard to try and calm my nerves because I’ve been crying on the inside.