FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

I said if you can link the posts I mentioned to you, please?

what the fuck is that it isn’t what i posted at all

…this actually looks bad because wolves would immediately know that Eevee was right due to TMI…

Alice, it was announced since day 2 that I’m not medium, but can do similar things in about ATN check.

Day freaking 2.

You got spectator role card?

You do realize that the “new world order” is a meme right


Like… let’s be real. Covering myself after medium claim was debunked when claiming day 2.

Have you heard of thing called chronology?

i’m just saying

i am completely evidence backed that the 8th shot in a day will always hit

Nevermind that, Seth isnt with us and yet you got card for this person.

W/e, at least now it’s 11v5.

Congrats on joining the towncore.

You point was that on day 4 I swapped my claim to other.
When I claimed day 2 and said it’s not accurate role claim, but will bring similar information.

Like saying I try to backpedal on day 2 because my claim was debunked on day 4 was… just not weird af.


arete, town box wielder

Oh thats what u meant

It appears so

told u guys eevee is good

i have to go to work now
i can feel the depressive spiral starting


i dont think im okay

Main issue is me expecting you to iso me (the acusser) or remember what happened, I guess.

I could probably be more clear that I did say quite a few times it’s not my actual role. Which basically makes it stupid causation of backtracking.

Anyway, you also got quite a good information out of how people approached this thunderome too.

Lets not get sidetracked any longer with this, we’ll able to properly rant and apologizes in post-game or something