FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

I have not read a single wind post except that opening gif

I which this was a joke

Whenever I heard wind mentioned I either thought it was a nickname for another player or a mistake

I genuinely forgot she was in this game

Good night

He did

Do you not know that is punishable by death?


Honestly, Proph shooting Nanook if Nan is wolf here (Which i believe) was prolly a distancing shot, considering Nanook was at the top of the shot list tbh, and considering Proph was busing Whysper yeah,

wouldnt be shocked by that

Me after I kill arctic

You I know this!

That is Satan himself

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Oh no.

By the way, is there any reason to townread GGhana at all?
Nobody seems to be voting them, and I am not seeing any talks about shooting GGhana either.

You have my permision to do so.

Not that this permission matters much.

in terms of interactions i would have to look back, but like

not much sticks out to me from what i remember, but i was gone for like 8 hours from last day, including EoD

Internet cut out after this

Deep state NSA doesn’t want you to see this

His vigi claim is pretty towny.

I’m not killing arctic now

It’s not fun if people want me to do it

only if you get confbias like Nightingale

who thinks im powerwolfing

which is


dat its been five

i have read all 20 drinks posts

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I’m so fucking sexy that’s why

Hm… Very well.
I have another question: What are your thoughts on nutella and Apprentice?