FAM2 Game Thread 3 - Days 3 & 4

His vigi claim is pretty towny.

I’m not killing arctic now

It’s not fun if people want me to do it

only if you get confbias like Nightingale

who thinks im powerwolfing

which is


dat its been five

i have read all 20 drinks posts

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I’m so fucking sexy that’s why

Hm… Very well.
I have another question: What are your thoughts on nutella and Apprentice?

Remember that mafia universe game where we both were alts and you pretended to be me to which I played along? And that I havent told you I was alting in that game too till now?


just shooting straight poe doesn’t say anything about nook imo

I’m not up to date. Where is this claim?

i’ve already said i think she is probably mafia from that eod

it makes no sense for town her to parade about having a godread on me and then decide that “if cape is town arctic is a wolf” and offer to throw out her townread of me just because of that, without trying to evaluate why i was doing what i was doing and if it made sense for me to do those things

she can do much better than that as town, and it felt like she was just setting up to kill me after cape flipped town. i didn’t see any of her other posts on day 2, and i vaguely liked her thoughts at the start of day 1, but i feel like after her eod2 + with whysper most likely tmi’ing there being more wolves in the boats event i think she’s probably mafia

i hope we’re on the same page because i don’t wanna have to think about this rn

I don’t strongly wolfread you I just would not be surprised at all if you were

This post @Zone_Q11 .

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It doesnt, but they shot nook over a couple different slots

question is why

Considering how people have told me prooph does like to bus, and how he was very much in a hole, killing a wolfmate in a hole with him gets him cred to skid by

Dat’s internet is still not up. In light of this knowledge, we’re going to continue the event without the stream. Apologies.


Fair enough tbh

My name is Phryne and I am the hottest bitch you’ve ever seen

I must tell you people of Athens, could Satan make someone so beautiful? I thought not.

Sit down men it’s a girls night bitch


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this game sucks
who won the dat vs olimar match

I blame Orange

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